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The Slow Death Of Radio Shack Mirrors The Slow Death Of The American Working Class

I must say, aside from grabbing a copy of Capital in the Twenty-First Century, this is the must read economics article of the Christmas shopping season:

John Bois: A eulogy for RadioShack, the panicked and half-dead retail empire

What a nightmare the American working class is living through! Since the Reagan administration at least, American workers are routinely treated like soulless, right-less, replaceable machine parts. We're back to working conditions that were common before the Progressive movement, and which we imagined were largely abolished in the New Deal and Fair Deal of the 30's and 40's.

Well, we were wrong, and the capitalists have won. Hooray for us.

Update, February 23, 2015: As Radio Shack closes this week, John Oliver has contributed this little gem: