The End Of The United States And Neoliberalism

This post will lack structure and flow. I don’t care. This nation has a few intelligent people who saw our collapse coming 40 years ago. But as George Carlin often said, garbage in, garbage out. This nation had a tipping point in which the garbage going in became unmanageable long ago.

Kamala Harris put up an impressive hail mary pass. On the night of her one and only debate against Donald Trump, she looked like a clear winner. Had the election been on September 11, she probably would have won. But millions of Americans didn’t even know she had replaced Joe Biden on the Democratic ballot. They just didn’t. In the final two months, she just fizzled out. Trump’s victory, which was assured in June, became assured again. The result was not changed. We didn’t successfully delay GOP autocracy for another 4 years. The autocracy is now coming.

Everyone is about to get crushed. Not just Americans but the whole world.

What a brilliant idea it was to put Donald Trump’s fate in the hands of American men. What a brilliant plan. Nothing could have gone wrong. Men are intelligent, rational adults. They would have simply ended Trump’s career.

Jeesuz Fucking Christ.

Never, ever let the voters decide a damn thing. They are so fucking uneducated and ignorant.

And now, the 32% of eligible voters who cast their vote for Donald Trump deserve every terrible thing that is going to happen to them. Every flood. Every hurricane. Every tornado. Every cancer. Every gunshot. Every accident and mishap. Every disease. Every death. Die soon. All of you.

As I blogged 4 years ago, Joe Biden just felt like a pause in our destruction. In December 2020, I wrote:

The Biden administration is doomed. It hasn’t begun, but it is set for failure.

In November 2020, in a separate post, I wrote:

It would take an effort of colossal proportions to prevent the republic from dying.

But the Biden administration was not a true pause of our GOP minority rule. The Overton window shifted again. The Biden admiration slowly warmed up to the concept of forcibly reducing border crossings. The administration never considered reversing Trump’s toughened stance on Cuba. And most devastatingly, the Biden administration was the first in US history to clearly and explicitly endorse the extermination of Palestinians on occupied lands.

The Democratic party needs to be destroyed, But does fresh progressive talent want to enter politics these days? Nope. We're truly doomed. And you know what, these dark days are going to crush the very people who voted for Trump. The repeal of the ACA, a national abortion ban, and a violent deportation effort is going to crush this nation, its people and its economy. And that's all before a new wave of natural disasters directly related to global heating.

The Democrats have failed us. This nation has drifted left since 2004. Was anyone standing up for trans kids and same sex couples 20 years ago? The Democrats insisted that they drift to the right and market themselves as centrist "adults." That disconnect, and the highly desirable drug of Trump's revenge, sold to millions of men, has put our nation in peril.

It really was that simple. That's all it was. Trump represents a naked attack on the Rule of Law. There was not a single good reason to vote for Donald Trump. He shouldn't be allowed anywhere near political power. He's an old wanna be mob boss from Queens who should be retired, playing golf. But he had to run to prevent going into two Federal trials. To vote for Donald Trump is to support the idea that our republic and society should be burned down.

I am furious, yes. But none of this is surprising. The best analyses of Trump’s triumphant return all draw one inescapable conclusion: neolibralism is indeed dead. Neolibralism had no playbook on how to mitigate the damage caused by a global recession in 2008, or a mildly deadly pandemic in 2020, or the full transformation of the GOP into a autocratic, apocalyptic party in 2021.

Neoliberalism was always a lie, sold to us by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher in 1980. A free market regulated by contemporary central bank tools, combined with round after round of tax cuts for the investor class didn’t yield a perfect capitalist world with quality of life gains for all. Worker productivity increased tremendously, but society didn’t become so wealthy that we’d be able to comfortably lower the retirement age, as the most optimistic neoliberals and technology evangelicals claimed in the 1990s. The return of Trump is its final, whimpering death rattle. Now the US empire can end. Now we can become a rotting nation dominated by a single party at the Federal level, like Hungary.

Jack Crosbie over at Discourse Blog summed it up best yesterday. The Democrats offer voters neoliberalism and a vague promise of normalcy. Trump, a household name, offers voters chaos, entertainment, bloodshed and goodies he can’t deliver. They went with the TV guy.

The United States is destabilized. I can’t fully understand an electorate that chose Obama over John McCain just 16 years ago, and then shifted to Trump in 2016 and 2020. What great, shiny object made those same voters switch sides so quickly, with some of them cognizant of what those jarring shifts do to our Federal government and our massive problem of wealth inequality? People don’t know. People don’t care. And now a lot of ignorant people need to die.

Nothing mattered. The weird, violent attempt to stop Biden’s inauguration didn’t matter. Trump’s crimes in and outside of the office of the President didn’t matter. The fascism didn’t matter. Harris’ record-breaking $1 Billion campaign didn’t matter. The changing demographics in the US didn’t matter. And now the United States is dead. It’s finished.

Now that it is over, I can formally begin my second half century of life and pay less attention to this society and failing nation, which is now clearly dying. The United States is sick. It is very ill. There is no curing it in my lifetime. I suspect by the time I die, sometime past the halfway point of this century, the US will be a failed state. I don’t care about the empire. Empires die. I care about my planet, but no one in power wants to save it.

Whatever happens going forward, it’s going to happen to us. Trump is going to make things happen to my family and my city. It’s all happening and there’s almost nothing that can slow or stop it.

I’m giving myself a list of dos and don’ts.


Disobey. You are going to destroy my nation. I will not assist.

Resist. I will resist the GOP wherever I can. And no, I am not part of the #resistance.

Organize. I re-joined the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) for just $2 per month.

Travel. I am going to travel my ass off until my passport is taken away. I’m not sure when I can reach Svalbard, Greenland, Portugal, Japan or Chile. But Egypt and Spain are on my horizon. I’m going out there to see and do on my travels.

Drink. This pandemic made me and my partner better home cocktail makers. I’m going to continue to develop these skills. I am not going to learn 6-string guitar, as I thought I might. Which leads me to -

Rock out. I am going to listen to even more music. I have two Hi-Fi systems at home. I use them hard. I will continue to discover new music and listen the hell out of music.

Walk. I must walk to stay alive. My partner and I are walking every street and alley in Manhattan. That’s over 700 miles. I could take the whole Trump term to mark every meter of pavement. And aside from this colossal project, I intend to just keep walking and avoid becoming bed ridden. But speaking of bed -

Sleep. Soon, I will make my bedroom darker and upgrade my mattress.. I am going to sleep much better no matter how much the world burns. Burn, world. I am getting my 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night.

Blog. I am renewing this blog as long as I’m alive and able to write. This blog turns 20 later this decade. I wish I had a partner author, but people be busy.


Despair. I actually suffered despair during the Biden years. I just knew, for years, that Trump would return. But now that the apocalypse is here, I will not despair. I will fight and live.

Follow socials. I quit commenting platforms. I reluctantly quit Masdoton. The Fediverse is a good place. But posting there is just speaking into a small void. There aren’t many people there. They all went to BlueSky. And if I went there to share my stupid opinions, it would just be yelling into a larger useless room.

Be a jerk. As a New Yorker, this is tough to drop. I yell at cars that run red lights. But now some of those cars (trucks) might be from out of state and full of guns once the Supreme Court has its way with us.

Will A Weak Donald Trump Defeat An Even Weaker Joe Biden?

Over the 17 years I have run this tiny blog, I have been a doomer. It isn’t some outlier opinion. I knew when I started that I would be documenting the hell that is the 21st Century.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump are confirmed for their 2020 rematch. The presidential campaign, now underway, will probably be the worst in US history. This campaign is already the longest. It started in 2022 when Trump announced. Yeah.

In many ways, I wish this was just like the 1956 rematch between Ike and Stevenson. Eisenhower cruised to victory. Stability and conformity prevailed. But these are not stable times. Joe Biden should be leading Trump by 10 points. Instead, he and Trump are tied in most polls.

Biden stuck in a statistical tie with Trump is the result of a lot of poor strategy and performance by his White House. Biden has not interacted with the public. He hasn’t released videos on YouTube. It’s obvious he doesn’t write his own Tweets, although I suspect he approves them.

The refrain of this post is quite simple. Biden and the nation are in grave danger because he’s tied with Trump when he should be 10 points ahead. I will be repeating variations of this a couple of times. I apologize in advance.

The United States Is A Very Sick Nation

As I have blogged many times here, the United States is in decline. Fro decades, pop culture predicted it was coming. But now it is here. We're sick. We have a gun crisis. We have a masculinity crisis. We're well into our environmental catastrophe. As a people, the United Sates is fat, depressed and more than a few of us are suicidal. I think Obama pushed the crazies over the edge, and they in turned pushed all the decent people over the edge by carrying Trump into the White House in an improbable upset victory in 2016. Now we have all lost our minds. 

The United States is seriously unhappy, under the weight of cascading economic crises. Rent inflation. House insurance becoming unavailable. A housing shortage. Auto insurance is becoming very expensive thanks to reckless kids wrecking and stealing cars (or stealing them and then wrecking them). And where can an affluent American move to retire? The southwest? There will soon be no water. California? Is anywhere in California safe from wildfires? Texas? Not only is the water going away, but so is freedom. The only people who can sleep soundly at night in the United States are either blissfully unaware or are very rich. 

And then there's our absolutely terrible memories. This is the nation that supposedly never got over our immoral and illegal war in Vietnam. We supposedly never forgot the Great Depression or the queues for gasoline that doomed Carter's presidency. But in just 9 years, we have forgotten about Donald Trump. From his stupid ride down an escalator to his daily abuse of the people, to his complete collapse during the pandemic, we have collectively forgotten how terrible Donald Trump is. There are tens of millions of people who genuinely believe that life under Trump was fine, including the year 2020. In fact, there are millions of people who never accepted the horror of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even those who were very sick, or had lost people have simply forgotten. It's the Mandela Effect on a grand scale. Or put another way, we have gaslit ourselves? If things seemed to have recently gotten worse under Biden, that means things were better under Trump, right?

Well if that's the case, then these idiots just need to be reminded of how worse things were under Trump. This campaign began in late 2022. And yet, Biden is tied with Trump in the polls. Millions of people have had an opportunity to give Biden another look and their answer is still, "Nah. I want Trump back."

Biden Is Down

In a previous post, I wrote how July 2021 was probably the closest we got to normality and stability since Donald Trump came down his stupid escalator. COVID deaths dipped to 1,543 reported deaths. Considering that the nation lost over 25,000 people the week Trump's terrorists stormed the Capitol, it felt like the pandemic was about to end. Biden wasn't wildly popular, nor engaging, but he seemed to be cruising at 50% popularity. 50% popularity translates to 50% of the vote, which translates to a second term. You had this, Joe. 

But soon after that magical week, Joe Biden started to slide. By October, his Gallup approval rating had dropped to 49%, and it would never get back to 50%. Joe was sliding underwater.

Trump Is The Most Privileged American Alive

The fact that Trump successfully delayed all of his criminal trials is a massive failure on our part. How could we allow him to dictate the schedule of his own prosecution? Would an ordinary black man be granted the same privilege? Would I? Would you?

The campaign is meaningless. The votes are locked in. This is the worst year since 2016 already! 

Should the candidate be allowed to run if he should instead be standing trial for attempting an auto-coup (an attempt to block the transition of power and declare himself president for life)? I argue letting Trump run is undemocratic. Letting him run free is basically us shooting ourselves on Fifth Avenue. We are doing this to ourselves. We are playing a dangerous game. We are essentially flipping a coin, and if it lands his way, he is president for life.

Biden Lost Well Before November

As of today, both the BDS movement and abortion are more popular than President Biden. Poll history tells us he can't possibly win with approval numbers this low. I don't buy into 'history repeating itself like poetry' bullshit, with all the Gen-X journalists comparing 1968 to 2024 (I am also a proud Xer, born in '73). But this summer looks like a looming disaster for Joe and the Democrats. They made it clear that the US must prop-up Israel forever, no matter how small the benefits to the American people and no matter how many times young Americans question that policy. The Democrats have also made it clear that while they welcome Republicans and anti-abortionists to their big tent, they have zero tolerance for critics of Israel.

Joe Biden should be leading Donald Trump by 10 points. He’s not. Why?

It’s because Biden has bled too much support. All incumbent presidents lose voters between their election and re-election. We can call that a haircut (the banking term). But Joe Biden has lost significant support among key demographics. We’re talking double-digit drops with Black men, Hispanics, Asians, and voters under the age of 40. All of those drops explain why Joe Biden’s lead in New York State has dropped from 20 points to just 10. Biden will easily win New York State. But a 10 point drop in a Democratic-majority state spells big trouble for states with smaller differences in registered voters.

These drops in support are going to cost Biden key swing states. Take Georgia, for example. Voter suppression and lack of enthusiasm for Biden has swung Georgia firmly back into Trump’s column. In Arizona, Democrats outnumber Republicans, and yet Democratic Senate candidate Reuben Gallego is leading in the polls while Trump is leading Biden in Arizona. Michigan is slipping away. Incredibly, so is Nevada, again, where Democrats outnumber Republicans. My current (and very pessimistic) electoral map looks like this:

Biden should be the one with 280 electoral votes. Biden should be 10 points up in the polls. But he isn’t.

Sometimes I think Trump is actually weaker than Biden. Trump is unhinged, slower and older than he was in 2016. He is also a big loser. But Trump also has 70 million votes in the bag no matter how bad he is. Joe Biden needs to be great to get votes back. Trump just needs to be alive and he gets 70 million votes. Advantage, Trump.

The Disaster Of Letting The People Decide Trump's Fate

Letting the people decide our future -especially when 70 Million of them want the autocrat- is never a good move. It wouldn't be a good move if just a few right wingers in the Dakotas want a dictatorship. Trump has a legion of 70 Million. Also, it has been proven for centuries: Americans are really dumb.

Letting the fascist onto the ballot was the fatal error. Fascists have a pattern of winning elections. Letting the people decide between a boring old man and an entertaining ghoul who promises to kill migrants and his political opponents is never a fair fight.

The GOP autocracy is coming now, folks. Not 2028. It's happening now. Come up with a resistance and/or exile plan.

Joe Biden Constantly Tries To Be Ronald Reagan

In his years as president, Joe Biden has been trying to be like Ronald Reagan. He thinks he can maintain a centrist approach and not make any one side too upset or too happy. He’s trying to appeal to everyone and be likable. But you can’t be appealing if you don’t engage with the public.

Also, Ronald Reagan was not a centrist.

And you certainly can’t be appealing to your base if you making a public effort to court Nikki Haley voters.

I get strange looks from mainstream MSNBC Democrats when I point out that if Joe Biden was just a little more engaged with the 80 million who voted for him in 2020, he wouldn't be so thirsty for the weird, evil, anti-trump Republican vote. That vote is still vehemently anti-woman, anti-trans, anti-queer, and anti-worker.

Chris Murphy, arguably one of the nicest US Senators in the chamber, has tried to spin Joe’s centrist style as disappointing everyone by design. So while Reagan made most people feel good, Joe Biden makes most people feel down, and that was the plan.

You didn't have to make the strategic choice to be Ronald Reagan in the 2020s, Joe. You could have, um, listened to what voters under 40 want. They are the ones inheriting this environmental catastrophe. They are the ones who can't buy a house or apartment. They are the ones who are reporting that they are the saddest US generation since the Great Depression, while Americans over 60 are reporting they are richer and happier than ever before. Oh, but the men in that group are all voting for Trump! Great strategy, Joe.

Joe could have at least done a weekly video on YouTube. A little fireside chat for the kids who care. But Joe didn't even do that!

Look, we were all stressed out, doing drugs and committing suicide when Trump was dropping a dozen tweets a day (we're still committing suicide, see how young people are unhappy above). Joe could have found a happy medium between engaging with us and tweeting us to death. He chose to be the silent type. That doesn't help when you need to retain 80 million votes for the re-election.

Joe Biden might somehow win this election because Trump is so unhinged. But if I had to examine this as an objective outsider for the first time, I’d think Joe Biden is trying to lose. Intentionally.

Joe Biden Just Blew It

With a single, colossally bad statement, Joe Biden just unofficially lost the November election. Winning in November with a historically low approval rating is extremely difficult. It’s never been done! But his unwillingness to listen to anyone under the age of 40 dooms his chances. Young Democrats are asking good questions. They are asking why does the US prop-up Israel if all Israel does is keep Palestinians in ghettos. The answer from almost every elected Democrat is ‘shut the fuck up.’

It’s over for Joe. He knows it. At this point, I have to suspect he is simply throwing the election. He has my vote, of course. But he is going to lose. I can see it now.

I know when a president is finished. I saw it, sadly, with Jimmy Carter in the summer of 1980. I saw it again when George H.W. Bush had no answers for the far more charismatic Bill Clinton. I saw it again with Donald Trump, totally losing control of the world in the spring and summer of 2020. And I see it now happening to Joe Biden. He is not winning in November.

Today was the day that Joe Biden blew it. I cannot see him winning the election if he won't even address the needs of people under 40 years old. The youngs are concerned about the environmental catastrophe and they want a change in our relationship with Israel. Today Joe basically condemned them as if they did things far worse than set up tents and protest peacefully. He remembers Los Angeles 1992. He remembers Charlottesville 2017. But no. He condemned his own base of voters today. Joe -or perhaps I should say Brandon- is done.

Israel Has Lost The American Public

We're witnessing something incredible. Something I haven't seen since 1992 with the Rodney King verdict and the start of the Christopher Columbus reckoning. With each week, these protests feel like a watershed moment. They didn't side with Occupy Wall Street 15 years ago, but regular Democratic voters are choosing the BDS movement over Israel. Choosing to side with Israel by default is no longer the morally good position. That is incredible. To the olds in charge, that is horrifying. Kathy Hochul had better call in the National Guard, or else this movement is going to start steering her government.

The protesters have been called terrorist sympathizers, terrorists, anti-semites, and also manipulated by “outside agitators.” Well, if they are terrorists, then this nation has a serious problem as now millions of American adults support the protesters and the BDS movement. This is a sea change. In just 7 months, Israel has lost it’s moral position, it’s status as the ‘good guys’ in this war, and it has lost a lot of core support from the US public. We will see where this goes, but history tells us that once things turn like this, there is no going back. Israel’s existence as a US-backed colonial power is in question.

What The Hell Is This?

With each week, Michigan looks more and more like a flip for Trump. That's a hole in the Blue Wall. If Biden loses Michigan and Pennsylvania, he loses the election (assuming he doesn't somehow take North Carolina). The lack of Democratic attention to college students and young people might finally cost them everything. It only takes a few upset defeats like this to ruin hundreds of millions of American lives. Assuming Trump squeaks out a victory, this would be the third time in 24 years that the winner of the popular vote -always a Democrat- loses the election. The sadness, despair and anger that we have felt since Trump took over the GOP in 2015 is going to become unbearable. How does everyone feel about the Democrats having a tiny majority in the House while Trump and the Senate pack our Federal courts to strengthen GOP minority rule? Won't it be fun? And all because the elders in the Democratic party thought it wasn't worth their time to listen to the needs to young people. Seriously. Leaders like Pelosi thought that young people would be a little upset about Gaza, but they'd get over it and vote in November. As unpopular as Biden is, I think young people would rescue him in November if there wasn't an invasion of Gaza. For now anyway, it appears Biden's embrace of Netanyahu's war crimes is the red line that causes millions of young people to abstain from voting this November. Biden barely had re-election in the bag! Now I am not sure.