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Let This Be The Final Trump August

The cover of Time from August 22 2016. This was far too premature. Time magazine's editors noticed that Trump had ignored all advice from the RNC and Reince Priebus us once he secured the GOP nomination in July 2016. If they only knew that he'd suffer three more August meltdowns as the sitting president, and one more meltdown as the three-time GOP presidential nominee.

By my count, we have had 7 Trump Augusts. The criteria is simple. First, it has to be August. Second, he has to be all over the news. He took a break in 2021 and stayed out of the news that August. The last two Trump Augusts while he was president were traumatic - 2019 and 2020. And August 2017 gave us Charlottesville!

August plus Donald Trump equals rally bad news, as he would say. Really bad news.

Trump is having another catastrophic month of August in 2024. He isn’t in office, of course, but the man is a geyser of gasoline again in the public spotlight. And this time, he could set himself on fire.

Trump’s worst Augusts were those as the sitting president: 2017, 2019 and 2020. This time, he is back as the GOP nominee for president for a record third time. His party can’t get enough of him. And for a couple of years, it appeared he was destined to become president again. Biden was so unpopular, Trump was simply leading the polls by default. I mean, look at Biden’s Gallup approval numbers. There was no way Biden was going to surge back to 50% popularity to beat Trump. And any Democrat who tells you otherwise is not worth having as an acquaintance or friend. Burn some bridges this fall. The Democrats who yelled at you for 3 years to vote Biden no matter what were both (1) wrong, and (2) fucking idiots.

But now it appears the American public has swung back to rejecting Donald Trump for the first time since 2021. Holy shit! All the Democrats really had to do was switch to an opponent younger than Trump. No small feat, but look at Trump’s response. Trump is having such a dramatic meltdown, he just might guarantee the election result from here. Trump can never recover from disasters. He can never “pivot,” or change his tone (ha!). Trump is fucked.

Let’s acknowledge that the near assassination of Donald Trump had no effect on the US public. There was no outpouring of support. There was no show of national unity. People don’t reflect on what happened on July 13 2024. It feels like years ago, doesn’t it? I’ve seen no ‘7/13 Never Forget’ posters or memes. I’ve seen no Democrats reminding each other to go easy on Donald Trump. The days of going easy on this man are well over. And the vast majority of Americans don’t care about Trump’s well being. How do you like that?

I like that. As Robert De Niro might say, fuck this guy.

Donald Trump is hosing gasoline everywhere, and he’s getting himself wet with it. He’s gone a little wild, even by his standards. His campaign can’t control him. He cannot delay his sentencing in his Manhattan financial crime case. It’s only matter of time before he starts calling Kamala Harris a “bitch” in public, as he has long done in private. He’s going to let it loose.

All it takes is a few good writers to land some nationally-televised zingers at Trump at the Democratic National Convention, and the man might go up in flames. It’s past time this happened. There are whispers it finally might.

I don’t mean literally, of course. I mean that Trump would become so enraged, so out of control, that he would lash out at everyone. His campaign staff. His allies in Congress. JD Vance (let’s face it, Trump should have chosen Kristi Noem). Nikki Haley, who won’t shut the fuck up tying to be Trump’s coach (shut the fuck up, Nikki).

Trump is going to show us just how explosive an old man from Queens New York can be for the next 11 weeks. Just 11 weeks! These 11 weeks are going to fly. And they will be hot. Don’t get burned! Just beat this guy one last time.