Fox News

Ignore The Hawks On American TV News

This is MSNBC being hawkish in its analysis of Trump’s refusal to concede in the 2020 presidential election. The story goes that Trump’s obstruction of a peaceful handover makes the US susceptible to foreign attack, whether military or electronic.

Here it is again. This is Bullshit. MSNBC is going out of its way to praise Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan as an Air Force veteran and therefore, an expert on national security. I’m here to say no, she isn’t. Look at how Willie Geist praises this Congresswoman simply for being a veteran from a military family. This conversation could have been on Fox News 20 years ago.

And here is more nonsense. There was a massive shift in the way US news covered wars, beginning with the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Instead of objective reporting, US news media began to refer to US armed forces as “we” or “our,” and it also started to inject itself into military strategies. Here’s MSNBC cautioning a president not to tell “the enemy” where “our” troops are going.

Trump refusing to go quietly is a scandal. It’s one of the worst things he has ever done. But it does not jeopardize national security. That's neocon talk. That’s bullshit. Trump trying to throw out legal ballots is not going make the Chinese navy appear in Hawaii or give foreign hackers a clear path to intrude into our systems, or give foreign spies more wiggle room on our soil.

I shouldn’t have to mention this, but apparently buried in the 9/11 commission report is some bullshit theory that the legal battle over Florida recounts made our nation vulnerable to the major terrorist attacks. The legal battle over Florida in November and December 2000 delayed the presidential transition 37 days. The commission report goes on to argue that the delay was a major contributing factor in how unprepared the Bush 43 administration was to an attack involving four hijacked planes 9 months later. Do I really have to say that the failure to protect the nation was entirely on the Bush administration and the DOJ?

Ignore David Ignatius. Ignore Chris Coons. Ignore Chris Murphy. Ignore Susan Rice. Ignore Eric Swalwell. This is fear mongering. We didn't tolerate it when it come from the Bush-Caney administration. We can't tolerate it from Democrats, either.

Democrats are the new Republicans! Who would have thought that 20 years after 9/11 that it would be the Democrats who would talk the most about "national security"?

It is extraordinary and alarming how the Democrats have made themselves the party of the military and national security. The words coming out of Democrats mouths today is not that different from the words of Bush, Chaney, Rice and Rumsfeld 20 years ago. Be cautioned, Democrats. We're moving to the right when we should be moving left. Of course it was right to speak up when Trump didn't care about our troops, but I see a party that is becoming far too hawkish, too militarized. Don’t let Trump’s disrespect of military drive you to throw your arms around it. I’m afraid that has happened.

For Entertainment Purposes Only

Here is Glenn Beck's epic monologue / meltdown on the Thursday December 9th edition of the Glenn Beck Show (Fox News).

It is highly unlikely any rational person can get through all 19 minutes, but I find minutes 9-12 highly entertaining. Please try to watch it here.

As far as Glenn's meltdowns go, this ranks very high on the list of his all-time insane moments. How does anyone work or live with this boy in the bubble? He doesn't go outside except to run to and from his limo. He doesn't have guests on his show, aside from John Birchers, discredited scholars, and Neo-Nazis. And the only people who watch his TV show at 17:00 Eastern time, are angry old people who either don't know any better or can't find something more interesting to watch on the television.

I know it is terribly unfair and perhaps cruel to give Beck more attention. He needs help. But really, this clip was epic even by Beck's crazy standards. His ratings continue to fall and he is paid millions. And yet he has grand delusions of becoming a billionaire and/or savior of western civilization. In fact, in this clip, his envy of George Soros and Julian Assange is palpable. He really is a 21st century apocalyptic preacher stuck in an old medium, cable television.

The Chalkboard Conspiracy Instruction Video

In the last 5 days, Glenn Beck has taken his show to a new level of crazy. He asked his viewers to record and share all five shows this week as they would be the most important he's ever done. He then proceeded, day by day, to work on a chalkboard, drawing how Barack Obama is connected to several former and current left-wing radical individuals and groups.

We're seeing a man lose control of himself and his show. We pinheads call this 'decompensation.'

So one of the 'communist' groups is the MDS, the Movement for a Democratic Society. Young people against war and racism, and for the lifting of the Cuba embargo. According to Beck, this group is a direct descendant of the Weather Underground simply because their name is similar to the Weather Underground's parent group, the SDS, Students for a Democratic Society. As The Young Turks have pointed out, under that methodology, you can link a Dungeons and Dragons fan to any organization with the word 'dragon' in it and take the 'six degrees' game from there.

In the clip above, Mr. Beck failed to mention that he is focusing his efforts on Van Jones because Jones' organization was the largest besides Media Matters that protested Beck's remark on Fox News that Obama is a 'racist.' It's just a personal vendetta that has morphed into pure paranoia.

Want more crazy? Here's a truckload of crazy. A record three million viewers and I saw this while flying back to New York and it hit me just how far off the rails Glenn Beck has gone. He's referring to a 2008 speech Obama made, suggesting that the Peace Corps and Americorps be expanded so that young Americans can act as positive ambassadors for their country. Glenn Beck runs with Obama's words to make it appear that Obama was proposing the formation of a domestic fascist police force (like the Brownshirts or the SS).


Followed by:

Even more crazy? Glenn brought it today, August 28th. He is convinced that GE/NBC/MSNBC, plus the Obama administration and liberal bloggers are out to destroy him. Making the technological leap from a chalkboard to a whiteboard, Beck decides to fill his show with a psychiatrist offering him some advice on how to deal with his sane critics.

Fox News Blast: Next Week, Somebody Dies!

If Paul Verhoven produced the news, he'd have a blonde babe narrate scenes of destruction and carnage. What? Fox created a segment like that already? It's not as graphic as Paul would like, but it's a step in that direction. It's called, the Fox News Blast.

Fox News Blast is featured as a content provider on You Tube. I never heard of this, but apparently it started sometime last year. "The Blast" is not to be confused with the famous "Fox News Alert," which started as a way to announce catastrophes and abducted children on their cable network, but now is abused to cover celebrity news as well, as shown in the Robert Greenwald documentary Outfoxed.

Well, The Blast is adrenaline-fueled action and entertainment, pure and simple. They even featured a video of Taliban executing a foreign translator and the execution of a drug cartel member by rogue Mexican police that is deemed to graphic for viewing over a corporate firewall.

Sunbeam Television (owner of Fox 7 in Miami, and WHDH 7 and CW 56 in Boston) is a pioneer in sensationalist coverage of events and local crime. There was a race to bottom during the 1990s to see which local newscast could 'bleed' the most. It is possible that Fox has kick-started another race to capitalize on viral and mobile video (they offer these clips on AT&T and Amp'd mobile phone services). If CNN and MSNBC start doing this, we've crossed another threshold.